Nail Conditions:

  1. Fungal Nail Infections

  2. Ingrown Toenails

  3. Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus)

  4. Paronychia

  5. Nail Psoriasis

  6. Nail Trauma

  7. Beau's Lines

  8. Spoon Nails (Koilonychia)

  9. Subungual Hematoma

  10. Onycholysis

  11. Yellow Nail Syndrome

  12. Pincer Nails

  13. Leukonychia

  14. Clubbing of Nails

  15. Nail Pitting

Skin Conditions and Foot Problems:

  1. Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis)

  2. Chilblains

  3. Corns and Calluses

  4. Foot Blisters

  5. Nail Fungus

  6. Plantar Warts

Foot and Ankle Diseases and Deformities:

  1. Bursitis

  2. Bunions

  3. Charcot Foot

  4. Claw Toes

  5. Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus)

  6. Haglund's Deformity

  7. Hallux Rigidus

  8. Pes cavus

  9. Accessory Navicular Syndrome

Conditions Related to Foot and Ankle Structure:

  1. Flat Feet (pesplanus)

  2. Foot Osteoarthritis

  3. Foot Osteoporosis

  4. Foot Ulcers

  5. Gout

  6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  7. Plantar Fibromatosis

Foot and Ankle Pain and Problems:

  1. Foot and Ankle Pain

  2. Heel Pain

  3. Metatarsalgia

  4. Morton's Neuroma

  5. Neuropathy

  6. Plantar Fasciitis

  7. Tendinitis

  8. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Orthotic and Footwear Therapy:

  1. Orthotic Therapy

Military and Extreme Foot Conditions:

  1. Trench Foot