Pes Cavus: Causes and Effective Treatment Strategies

Pes Cavus, commonly known as high arches, is a foot condition where the arch of the foot is raised more than usual. This condition can lead to various issues, including pain and instability. In this article, we explore the causes of Pes Cavus and effective treatment strategies to manage and alleviate associated problems.

Common Causes

  1. Neurological Conditions: High arches can be associated with underlying neurological conditions such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, cerebral palsy, or stroke, which affect muscle function and lead to imbalances in the foot's arch structure.

  2. Inherited Traits: Genetics play a significant role in the development of Pes Cavus. If your family has a history of high arches, there's a higher likelihood of inheriting this foot structure.

  3. Muscular Imbalances: Muscle imbalances in the lower leg can lead to high arches. When certain muscles are stronger or weaker than others, it affects the arch's shape and stability.

  4. Connective Tissue Disorders: Conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can affect the integrity of connective tissues, including those in the feet, leading to high arches.

  5. Foot Trauma: Injuries or fractures to the foot can sometimes result in a high arch, especially if the healing process leads to the development of scar tissue or bone irregularities.

Effective Treatment Strategies

  1. Orthotic Insoles: Custom orthotic insoles can be highly effective in providing arch support and distributing weight more evenly across the foot. They help alleviate pain and improve stability.

  2. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can help address muscle imbalances and improve foot flexibility. Specific exercises can be prescribed to strengthen weaker muscles and stretch tight ones.

  3. Footwear: Choosing the right footwear is crucial for individuals with high arches. Supportive shoes with cushioning and good arch support can significantly enhance comfort.

  4. Surgery (in severe cases): While most Pes Cavus cases can be managed non-surgically, severe cases that cause extreme pain or mobility issues may require surgical intervention to correct bone abnormalities or address underlying conditions.

  5. Management of Underlying Conditions: If Pes Cavus is associated with an underlying medical condition, treating that condition can sometimes lead to improvements in foot structure.


Pes Cavus is a foot condition that, while often overlooked, can cause significant discomfort and difficulties in daily life. Identifying the causes and applying effective treatment strategies is essential for individuals with high arches to maintain foot health and overall well-being. Whether through orthotic support, physical therapy, or surgical intervention in severe cases, there are options to help individuals lead a more comfortable and active life.